Sunday, May 28, 2006

May 28th - Paddled a Creek off Cypress Bend

I went by Bickham Dickson the other day and it was so low, it looked like it was just a flooded field. You could see the grass under the water and the channel was pretty narrow. So I decided not to kayak there. But I wanted to do some paddling. Today was about 96 degrees. And since we had a family reunion at Cypress Bend, I decided to bring my kayak along.

After the reunion was over I decided to go to a friend's house on the opposite side of the lake from the State Park. She had mentioned that I could explore the creek that enters into the river around her house. It's a long trek from her house to the launching point so I used the paddlecart to help haul the kayak. I think I finally got the paddlecart to work right. I didn't lose the yak once! (It has fallen off the paddlecart everytime that I had used it before!) I guess I just had to get some practice in.

It was probably the wrong time to be on the lake for wildlife...around 3 PM, but I went anyway. The creek was great to paddle on. Very calm, easy to paddle. There was a pretty stiff headwind. I had to go very slowly because of the submerged trees. There were lots of times that I could feel the submerged tree grazing the bottom of the kayak as I went over it...kinda disconcerting! And several times my paddle hit something that I couldn't see. But I made it ok. I went all the way to the head end of the creek. By then it was just too crowded with trees and stumps coming out of the water, so I turned and went up the other side of the creek.

I saw an egret flying by, but had to dig through the dry bag to find the camera again, so I didn't get a good picture of him.

I saw a Blue Heron land on the dock of one of the houses. He sat there for the longest. I probably got within 20 feet of him before he took off.

I was able to get one good picture of him as he flew away. He sure was big.

I thought I would paddle up to the dam, but when I got out into the main channel, it was so rough that I just couldn't make much headway. So I went across the creek toward the other side of the spit of land that my friend lives on. Someone had built a "seawall" at the outmost point of the land, and as I went by it, the waves were pretty big from the reflections of the waves hitting it. I wasn't sure that I would make it through that without swamping so I turned back up the creek. I got close to my friend's house and her girls called out and told me it was 30 minutes to supper... yeah crawfish! I needed to go make the cocktail sauce anyway, so I went in.

All in all it was a good paddle...about an hour and a half. Got a blister on my thumb. It was rough out in those waves! I am looking forward to going camping next weekend with the kayak. Hopefully I will get some paddling done on the lower end of the Cossatot River as it comes in to Lake Gillham.

Well, that's it for now. Happy paddling!


Anonymous said...

You'd better have an update for me!! I want pictures from this weekend!!

Cathy said...

Yes Mam! As you wish!