Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Caddo Lake - LA with Vixen

Sunday Susie had to work so when I called Don to see if he wanted to go kayaking, he said sure. Michelle also wanted to go and she asked if I had a PFD that she could borrow for Vixen. Of course I do, so they came over and we got Vixen fitted for Missy's vest and we went on our way.

We decided to go to Caddo Lake State Park out of Oil City. Don and I like that one because it is usually quite windy and we like the waves. Well...windy it was! When we got out on the water we were constantly buffeted by 20-30 mph gusts...but what fun!

We paddled for a while one way and decided we should try to go directly into the wind because going at right angles to it was getting us very wet!

Vixen seemed like she was enjoying the ride!

It was a fun day. We probably only went a mile in the whole time we were out (an hour and a half)! But it was fun and if you want to see a few more pictures that I took that day you can go to my Webshots Album to see them.

Well..until next time... Happy Kayaking! Cathy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis! looks like fun. I am wondering what is is like, to have water that dosen't taste salty blowing on your face...one day.

It's interesting that Dad's pirougue, which I used to look at and want to take out on the water, might be the impetus for my kayaking, and perhaps inspired you a bit too?

So happy you guys will be here in a little over a month.