Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Camping the first time in the new trailer

Well, I decided to go out last weekend (since I had a 3 day weekend) and try out the new trailer before the big Eagle Etc weekend. So I drove up to Lake Claiborne and was able to get my favorite spot on the hill. It was just me and the dogs so we got to take long walks. And of course Little Bit had lots of fun chasing squirrels and of course Missy chases him....

Here is a picture of the trailer and Missy in spot 25...

It was a very enjoyable weekend...and this coming weekend Mom, Dad, Wesley and I head up to DeGray for their Eagle Etc weekend. Hopefully Wesley won't volunteer to pick up the Eagle poop this year!

Love to all...Cathy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a very cool looking camper! Mind if we borrow it???

Miss you, see you soon (hopefully).