Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Caddo Lake - July 1, 2006

Don, Susie, and I decided to make a trip up to Caddo Lake. Caddo Lake is an unusual lake. It has two distinct parts, a wide open lake out of Oil City, LA and a swampy moss filled Cypress tree part in Texas.

We decided to check out the State Park out of Oil City. Here the lake is wide, with lots of pumping oil wells, and a lot of water lilies that were beginning to bloom.
It was pretty windy when we got out there with steady winds from the south. It blew us around quite a bit, with a lot of the waves breaking over our bows.

The water lilies weren't quite opened, but they were still pretty. I would like to go back in a few weeks to see what they look like when they are open.

The sun was pretty and golden as it got lower in the sky.

I was hoping for a nice sunset, but the clouds were just too heavy.

The one thing that really surprised me was that there were very few birds. We saw a few egrets, one blue heron flying away, and some martins...that was it. So it was very disappointing as far as birding goes. But it was still a beautiful ride.

The pumping oil wells have always fascinated me.

This weekend is my camping trip to Lake Ouachita. I haven't been to Lake Ouachita since I got my kayak, so I can't wait to have some kayaking fun and do some swimming too.

Well...until next time...Cathy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cathy - since no one else has said anything to this posting, thought I, you using little bit on that flotation device as bait???
