Sunday, June 25, 2006

Cross Lake- June 25

Well, Susie and Don decided that they would give it a rest today so I had to go it alone. I figured it would be a good time to try out Little Bit's new PFD, so I packed up and went to Cross Lake again. We had just had a cool front come through so the wind and waves were something to see. I would say they were probably about 2-3 feet. I was a bit leary about going out in those conditions, but I figured as long as I kept fairly close to the shore, I would be fairly safe. I got everything ready to go, and got Little Bit's vest on him. It was a good fit. I am so glad that I got this for him. I ordered it from Hong Kong on eBay.

Little Bit had never been in the kayak before except when it was sitting in our living room, so it was a new experience for him. He jumped right in and off we went. He was very excited to see all of the birds flying by...good thing they don't have squirrels out there!

I paddled for about 30 minutes then turned around and went up the lake toward the I49 bridge. They have built some new condos on the lake, and there was a nice little corgi who Little Bit took a liking to (I guess she may have looked like Missy at a distance). So he decided he would check her out...and promptly jumped in.

Lucky I invested in that doggie PFD! I just grabbed the handle on the back and lifted him back into the kayak. Of course I had him tied to the port d-ring anyway, so he would not have gotten very far!

After that all he did was look very seriously at the water. I don't think that he expected to be swimming when he jumped out!

I turned around again and went back towards the west so I could get a few sunset pictures, but it wasn't really a good sunset, so I just got more pictures of Little Bit...

I love the way his ears flap in the wind!

It was about 8:15, so I decided it was time to head on back and pack it up. I think Little Bit was very glad to be back on shore. As soon as he jumped off the kayak he rolled in the grass... I guess he did not like the smell of fish either. I had to give him a bath when we got home so he would not get in bed with that awful fishy smell.

I hope to come back to Cross Lake. I think it will be great to explore more. Well, until next time...

Happy Kayaking!


Anonymous said...

Little Bit looks absolutely adorable in his life vest! Those pics show his personality so well!

Peggy said...

LOVE the pictures of the little sweetie!!!!