Thursday, June 22, 2006

Tyler Lake State park

I had a chance to go over to Tyler Lake State Park last Saturday for a short paddle. It is a very nice small lake. They do not allow motors on it and the lake is crystal clear. I got there about 3 PM and was able to get in my kayak about 3:30...of course I took a dip in the lake first so I could be cool while I paddled.

I was about 3/4 of the way around the lake when an immature blue heron flew right by me and landed in the cove in front of me. He did not seem afraid at all and he walked around and caught a few fish right from the bank.

He was VERY blue. These pictures are not touched up or enhanced in any way. I don't think I have ever seen one so blue. Maybe it is because it is young? I assumed it was young because it was so small.

As I took my next picture on the blue my camera died. I never even thought to bring any extra batteries with I had to put it away and just enjoyed watching the heron for a few more minutes before I paddled off.

So I paddled on. It was such a pretty day. We had had a rainstorm that lowered the temperature to about 85 with a nice breeze. So it was a beautiful day to paddle. I met a family of 3 out paddling their kayaks. I talked to them a while then went on and finished by trip around the lake. I figured that I would not see any more birds, so I decided not to go in and get more batteries for the camera. And since I had another 30 minutes before I needed to load up and get on the road for the two hour trip home, I decided to make another trip around the lake.

I got past the picnic area and saw something on the bank, so I paddled closer. It was my first ever sighting of a green heron. He was so pretty. I got out my camera just to see if maybe I could get one more picture...It worked! I was able to get a few more pictures of it before the camera died again.

After that, I left the green and went on around the lake. That lake had more turtles than I have ever seen on one lake. I ran over one that was not paying attention to what was behind him... boy was he was I. I did not expect to run over a turtle! The lake was so clear that I could see him as he dived deep for cover.

Everywhere I looked I saw heads sticking out of the water. I wish I could have gotten a picture of them. I wondered if they were eating flies, because I saw a lot of dead flies on top of the water.

After I finished the second trip around the lake, I headed in to load up and go home. It was a nice trip and I think I will go back. The water was great and just seeing the green billed heron made my day.

I hope to get out on Cross Lake this weekend to see the Rookery Island where there are lots of white seagulls. So until next time...

Happy Kayaking...

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