Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cross Lake - July 2, 2006

We went back to Cross lake Sunday. It was pretty calm when we started out, but got pretty windy towards the end of the paddle.

I took Little Bit with me. He saw some ducks in front of the kayak and decided he needed to be up a wee bit higher to see them...Scared me to death...I had my camera out taking pictures, and I could just see him leaping off the kayak to get those ducks, and me dropping that camera. So I very carefully put the camera up and got him back down from his perch. I think he realized how precarious that perch was once he got there. He did not try that again!

We went back out to bird island, but by that time the wind was so heavy that I could not get a good picture of anything on land. We were bobbing up and down with the waves too much. He really was interested in the birds. He watched everything they did very carefully. I think he was thinking...if only one would fly closer...

It was a very nice paddle, not many big boats on the lake today. It had threatened rain all day, so I guess they all decided to stay at home.

Little Bit looked tired on the way back. I guess all that wave action got to him too. I felt like I was still bobbing up and down still the next day!

Well, that's it for now. Happy kayaking 'til next time...


Anonymous said...

I miss the rain:(
It looks like so much fun out there, and its cool that Uncle Don and Aunt Susie are into it to!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cathy, looks like you had a good time! bet dad would like the kayak.

Anonymous said...

Jeez! Get on the ball and post your pics from this weekend! Some of us enthusiastic blog readers are eager to read about Lake Ouachita:)