Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Caney Lake July 29, 2006

We went to Caney Lake a few weekends ago and I am just getting around to posting the pictures. The lake was a real disappointment. It was so full of weeds and plant growth that it was very difficult to paddle. We only stayed about an hour and then left. I have a lot of great memories from camping on this lake and getting out in Dad's pirogue, but we probably won't go back unless something is done to stop the growth of the weeds in the lake. What a shame. It was a beautiful lake and still could be. Even with the weed growth the lake itself is crystal clear.

The flowers were quite pretty though.

There was a storm that came up just as we got there, so we had some interesting cloud and light shows.

It may very well be a sad end for a wonderful place for families to camp and have fun. I hope the National Forest officials will do something to help save the lake before it is too late.

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