Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Caddo Lake - August 12, 2006

Well, it was 100 Degrees here today, but we decided to make the trip out to Caddo Lake anyway. We hooked up the trailer to haul Don and Susie's kayaks and of course mine was already on top of the 4Runner. We arrived at Caddo Lake State Park about 5 PM. The car thermometer said 99 degrees. We got everything unloaded and the yaks carried down to the water. Don and I decided to take a short swim first to cool off. The water was extremely brown because the waves were really kicking up the dirt in the water. We loaded into the kayaks and took off, going a different direction than last time. It was extremely challenging!

There were a lot of times that the waves would break over the sides or stern of the kayak. Don thought it might be fun to go into the cypress trees and ride the waves. He said it was fun, so I tried was fun...just had to make sure that I didn't run into to any trees!

The wind on the water was so nice. Even though the waves were awesome, it kept the sun from being so hot. So it was really quite enjoyable. But next time, when we decide to go to Caddo, I think I will take some Dramamine before heading out! Those waves were so high at times that I felt myself getting a wee bit seasick!

We paddled around until around 6:30 then decided to head back to the dock. It was quite a nice workout paddling in the waves. I tried to take a few pictures of some birds that I saw during the paddle, but we were moving so much vertically that the pictures all turned out pretty blurry. I did get one on a post, but it was pretty birdies this time...

But I did catch Don outlined by the sun as he rested before heading in to the dock.

All in all, it was loads of fun! I just love getting out on or into the water!
Well, until next time...

Happy Kayaking!


Jessica said...

I love that pic of Uncle Don! Glad you had fun!

Peggy said...

You are braver than I am.... give me calm, flat water every time!

Love the pictures, though--they really give a sense of what it was like on the water.

Fun post~

pineyflatwoodsgirl said...

I am enjoying your trips around Arkansas. I used to live in Fayetteville and the scenery makes me nostalgic! I paddle with Peggy now and then, around Florida. Happy paddling. You would like our spring fed rivers. I want to go to the Cache River Management area and look for the ivory bills.